TGRT launched on April 22, 1993 that was owned by Huzur Radyo TV A.Ş belongs to İhlas Holding.
The channel was bought by News Corporation with Ahmet Ertegün on July 26, 2006 and changed to its current name Fox on February 24, 2007.
The International Olympic Committee awarded Turkish TV rights for the 2014 Olympics and 2016 Olympics to Fox.
* Su Gibi - Live Daily Dating Show
* WWE Smackdown - Sports entertainment
* WWE Raw - Sports entertainment
* Fatih Portakal ile çalar Saat - News
* FOX Ana Haber - News
* FOX Gece - News
* Çalar Saat Hafta Sonu - News
* FOX Ana Haber Hafta Sonu - News
* Movies
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