lunedì 5 settembre 2011

Duabai TV - Watch Dubai TV - Dubai TV Live

                            Dubai TV is a Pan Arab channel under the bouquet of Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI). It replaced Emirates Dubai Television in June 2004. Dubai TV broadcasts programmes predominantly in Arabic.
                The programming caters to the family segment of the Arab audience. A majority of its programming is produced locally in Dubai Medi a City (DMC). Dubai TV is a part of a 4 channel network owned by DMI that includes Dubai Sports TV and Sama Dubai.
            Prime Time (the evening time slot) comprises of popular shows hosted by a number of ambitious and varied programming like Nashwa, Najim Al Khaleej that is well known in the Arab World, Vitamin, Asraruha, Ma’a Usamma Atyab, the popular cooking show and Kalam Rasas, the weekly and popular political press & talk show hosted by Hamdi Kandeel.

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